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IWA/CC Minutes 07-06-2011

Minutes                                   - 1 -                                 July 6, 2011

MEMBERS PRESENT:                Elizabeth Warren, Barbara Kelly, John Blondin, Jack Phillips, Audrey Delnicki, Hugh Brower

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Richard Muller, sitting for Tim Appleton
STAFF PRESENT:          Jeff Folger, Environmental Planner
Donna Thompson, Recording Secretary


Chairperson Warren called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm


ITEM:  PERMIT EXTENSIONS:   Appl. # 06-40P Chinese Baptist Church site plan.  Folger stated that legislation past this Spring automatically extending any outstanding application to a limit of 9 years and that the applicant is also entitled to a 6 year extension on top of that.  Any application that was approved and is still active has a 14 year shelf life.  New applications are not included, only those that are already approved.  Due to this change in legislation, Appl. # 06-40P Chinese Baptist Church site plan is automatically extended.

Another change in legislation requires the Town to accept surety bonds where in the past we did not.


ITEM:  BONDS:   none

ITEM:  MINUTES:   Minutes from 5/18/2011, with corrections, were approved by consensus and minutes from 6/1/2011 were approved by consensus.

ITEM:  CONSERVATION COMMISSION:  Trails Day at Donnelly on Sunday, June 5, 1-4 pm was a success with 150 visitors over the course of the day.  The geocaching workshop was very popular.

There is concern about continuing maintenance of open space.  Folger stated that strategic planning is in the works to determine the best way to establish a satisfactory way to fund and accomplish this critically needed maintenance.  Suggestions for funding include being allowed to use bonding monies and fee in lieu of monies.  More lobbying by interested parties must be done to make this a priority and to provide funding.  

ITEM:  WETLAND OFFICER’S REPORT:  not much going on at this time



Appl. #11-16P – Old Dominion Freight Line – 150 Strong Road – IWA/CC application for the construction of a building addition and associated improvements on property located north of Strong Road.  Industrial (I) Zone.

Tim Coon, professional engineer with JR Russo and Associates, presented the application.  Site is 12.9 acres, currently with a 54,000 sq ft building.   It is a secured site with a gate and paved access all around the building.  Automobile parking is up front and trailer parking is on the east side and west side.  There is a gravel parking area to the north of the building.  The northern most part of the parcel is undeveloped woodland and off the property to the north is Bancroft Brook, which is owner by the South Windsor Land Conservation Trust.  A large portion of the western property line is coincident with a tributary to Bancroft Brook.  Another tributary to Bancroft Brook crosses the northeast corner of the property.  The wetlands associated with these 2 tributaries were delineated by soil scientist Mike Gragnollati.  The site currently has no formal drainage system.  The rear pavement area sheetflows to the northwest and the front sheetflows down and collects to a single paved leakoff at the southwest corner of the parking lot which leads into the western tributary.  There is no treatment, just sheet flow.  The proposal is for a 13,174 sq ft addition, off the rear of the building, as well as an expansion of parking and access at rear of building.  Drainage improvements are being proposed, beginning with level speaders at the proposed edge of the pavement.  The level speaders will distribute the water into a grass shelf and then into infiltration basins.  There will be a series of shallow infiltration basins around the perimeter of the new parking lot equipped with long spillways.  Based on Town staff comments, in the front of the building some pavement will be cut out, reducing the impervious area, adding more landscaped area to the front island.  In addition, by cutting out an area of pavement where all the water runs off now, the runoff will be captured in a shallow infiltration basin, which will provide some treatment during smaller storms.  The remaining pavement will provide an armored spillway area leading back to the brook.  Rip rap will be placed at the base of the current leakoff down into the brook to prevent potential erosion in the future.  This will result in about 90 sq ft of direct wetland impact because the rip rap will be placed directly in the streambed to armor that area.  Originally the regulated activity was about 5,000 sq ft.  It is now 8,900 sq ft with the additional work requested by Town staff.  Erosion controls include perimeter silt fence around the work area.  A construction entrance is not needed due to the existing paved area.  Temporary top soil stockpiles will be placed on the existing paved area surrounded by silt fence.  Comments received from Jeff Folger and the Town Engineer have been responded to and addressed along with revised plans provided.  The wetland impact is minimized with this plan and water quality will be improved as there was no water treatment before.

Folger stated that the plan does offer improvement to what is there.  The stormwater improvements offset the increase in impervious coverage being sought by the applicant.

There were questions and comments from the Commissioners, responded to by Mr. Folger and Mr. Coon.

Motion to:  approve Appl. #11-16P – Old Dominion Freight Line – 150 Strong Road – IWA/CC application for the construction of a building addition and associated improvements on property located north of Strong Road.  Industrial (I) Zone, with the following conditions:

1.      The final approved copy of the entire set of plans and this letter reproduced thereon must be submitted to the Planning Department.  This must be completed within 65 days of approval prior to any construction activity on the site.  Plans submitted to Planning & Zoning Commission shall be considered having met this requirement.
2.      The application shall indemnify and hold harmless the Town of South Windsor against any liability, which might result from the proposed operation or use.
3.      The permit is valid for five years and shall expire on July 6, 2016. It is the landowner(s)/applicant(s) responsibility to track expiration dates and notify the Commission of a renewal request at least 65 days prior to expiration.  
4.      Bonds shall be collected in the amount of: $5,000 to ensure proper placement and maintenance of erosion and sediment controls and $10,000 for construction of stormwater system.
5.      All approvals required must be obtained and submitted prior to any activity on the site.
6.      A contact person shall be identified on the plans.
7.      Any additional concerns by the Town Engineer must be addressed.

Was made by: Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by: Commissioner Kelly
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous

ITEM:   OLD BUSINESS:  Discussion:  Redland Brick wetland permit modification

The Commission received a request by Redland Brick representatives Ed Cunningham and Barry Miller for a determination as to whether changes they desire to make to the site plan originally approved in 2007 could be presented in the form of a modification, or if an entirely new application must be presented.  After discussion of the information presented by Mr. Miller, Mr. Cunningham and Mr. Folger, the Commission agreed that a modification was the appropriate way to proceed.  Folger stated that once a site plan has been received, site walks will be scheduled.

Motion to:  approve going forward with a modification and not requiring a new application to address the changes needed to the plan approved in 2007

Was made by:  Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by Commissioner Kelly
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  



Motion to: adjourn the meeting at 8:36 pm

Was made by: Commissioner Delnicki
Seconded by: Commissioner Phillips
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Thompson
Recording Secretary

Approved:  9/21/2011